Review: Unplugged Book Box

Welcome to the new section of my blog: REVIEWS! I’m really excited tot start this new section. My reviews will be about various things that deal with mental illness like books, movies, subscription boxes, etc. To start off my new section I thought I would review something that was also new: the subscription box Unplugged Book Box. 

On their website they describe the box as “a subscription box including one new Young Adult or New Adult book with seasonally inspired bookish self-care goodies and fun, novelty items that help you focus on you! Our self-care themes will remind you to live in the moment. 

Now, I have done a lot of subscription boxes (I have a shopping problem and I am working on it) and I had never seen a box like this before. There are self care boxes out there but I was never fully drawn to any of them. A lot of them seemed to be really beauty oriented and while I love make up and beauty supplies, they didn’t really feel like “self care” boxes. If you know of one you think I should try let me know and I will try and review it.


Here is the September “Keep Your Head Above Water” box, the first box from this new company. Some key self care items that were in this box were the self care sticker set, the note card reminding about the importance of self care, and the monthly playlist. I find a lot of comfort in music so I was really stoked about the playlist. Also the candle and bath bomb are perfect for my self care techniques which usually involves taking a bath. I find flickering candle light to be really soothing.

I have not had a change to read the YA book that came this month but there has been a lot of buzz around this book so I was impressed by the book selection. I am interested to see how they will be choosing books. I am hoping that they will include books that handle mental illness or recovery, though I can understand that books of that nature could be triggering.

Everything in the box came beautifully wrapped in black tissue paper and each item had a little note with it which made if feel personal.


Here is a close up of the playlist, and I think it is a pretty great one.

Final Thoughts:

I was really impressed with this box as it was the first box from this subscription company. The cost of the box is $34.99+shipping, which is a pretty standard pricing for subscription boxes that include new release hard cover books. It is an auto renewing subscription and it doesn’t look like they have the option for single purchase box but you can always order the box and then cancel the subscription before it renews. I am excited to see what they will do in the future. I am hoping that in the future they will do some things with mental illness companies like NAMI.

The box for October is sold out but if you are interested in this box I suggest getting on their mailing list (which should pop up when you go to their website). They send information about box availability and if they have extras.


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